2T softened butter

1T hwc

2-3T shredded carrot (optional) (amount depends on your macros)

1 large egg

3T brown sweetener

3T unsweetened coconut flakes

2.5T almond flour

1T coconut flour

chopped walnuts


pinch of sea salt

For the Cream Cheese Frosting Filling


Let the mixture sit a minute to thicken. Spoon with a greased, round scoop onto a parchment paper lined cookie sheet and push with the back of a spoon into a flat shape. These will spread very little, if at all, so make them whatever shape you would like at this step.

Bake at 350 for 8 to 10 minutes, or just until set, and cool on the cookie sheet.

I like single serving or low yield recipes because of the built in portion control. This recipe made about 6 pieces for a total of 3 creme pies, but could easily be multiplied!

For Cream Cheese Frosting Filling

  • Beat all the ingredients together with an electric mixer in a medium sized bowl.
  • Transfer the frosting to a piping bag or ziploc sandwich bag (if using a ziploc bag, snip off about 1” from the bottom corner of the bag).
  • Pipe about 2 tablespoons of frosting on the bottom zucchini pie layer.
  • Add another zucchini pie layer on top and gently press down so that the frosting spreads almost to the edge of the cake layers.