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Cucumbers and Vinegar is an awesome summertime snack. In our household, we eat these several times a week, especially when we are getting them fresh out of the garden. This dish can be jazzed up like I am going to show you today, or you can simply just put the cucumbers in a cup of vinegar and call it a go. This dish can be eaten as a side dish, paired with just about anything. I think it would also go great with this dish that we shared a few weeks back, Sweet Baby Rays Crock Pot Chicken.

Cucumbers and Vinegar is one of our favorite summer time dishes.

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This dish does have several other names that may go by like quick pickles and refrigerator pickles, although the dish I am mentioning is not truly quick pickles or refrigerator pickles.


4 Cucumbers

1 Onion

1 cup Vinegar

1 cup water

1 tsp dill weed

1 tsp monk fruit sweetener

1/2 fresh squeezed lemon juice

to taste Salt

to taste pepper

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  1. Cut and peel cucumbers
  2. Slice onion
  3. mix water, vinegar, sweetener, lemon juice, dill weed, salt, and pepper in a bowl
  4. Add in onions and Cucumbers
  5. Set in the refrigerator for an hour or two before eating.
    Grab your Free Keto Meal Plan from here : KETO DIET PLAN FOR BEGINNERS STEP BY STEP GUIDE